Amor i amistat amb dones a Prince edward island

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Amor i amistat amb dones a Prince edward island


Cape traverse, Prince edward island, Canadà
Busco: homes
Per:buscar parella, xatejar

I am a sincere, honest, caring, kind, friendlly very easy to get along with. I am, social, romantic, passionate, smart, intelligent, cool headed,adaptive,have a big heart. And i do believe in the truth and honesty.Because honesty is the only key to human success, and with honest, i believe in myself and my life is really based on truth,and its all about who i really am.


Albion cross, Prince edward island, Canadà
Busco: homes
Per:conèixer gent, buscar parella, lligar, conèixer amics, trobades, xatejar

I am looking for a kind, intelligent, honest, caring, romantic, family oriented man. Most importantly, this man should be only for me. The one who will protect and think about me. The real man I can fully rely on. If you treat me right, I will reciprocate your feelings greatly. Relations are never easy and I expect you to be the man of the house. Make me happy and I will return my brightness to you.

Consulta altres llocs on amor i amistat amb dones de 40 a 43 anys a Prince edward island