hola soy bilingual y estoy aqui para encontrar una chica joven, hermosa y con ganas de construir una familia con hijos, si te gustaria hacer eso por fa, solo contactame, me gusta leer trabajar viajar comer y mas .. me gusta practicar buenos valores como respeto, honestidad, confianza, lealtad, responsabilidad, comprension, amor, proteccion y cuidado.
Hello, I am bilingual and I am here to find a young, beautiful girl who wants to build a family with children. If you would like to do that, please just contact me. I like to read, work, travel, eat, and more. I like to practice good values such as respect, honesty, trust, loyalty, responsibility, understanding, love, protection, and care.
please you can send me your WhatsApp to call you one day
thank you
greetings Juan - Peru - USA
Let's be friends!