Chat in Wiltshire for free

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Chat in Wiltshire for free

Evelyn Villamin

Chippenham, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men
To:meet people, dating, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

I am a 58 years old female looking for a man who is responsible kind loving generous god honest kind God fearing person family orientated hard working one man woman not a cheater. I’m a one womanman honest kind loving generous family orientated hard working laid back woman . My hobbies are singing eating cooking socialising with friends.Holidays visiting my family because I’m from the pearl of the orient. I love flowers and expensive clhocolates . I love to wear perfumes and make up.The most all woman loves to do is shopping . I’m a devoted Roman Catholic. I always go to church every Sunday. My job deals with caring for the elderly and dementia people till their end of life I have two children both adult .


Wootton bassett, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
looking for: women
To:dating, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

Me gusta la comida natural, yo soy vegano. Me gusta mucho caminar, me gustan los animales, hacerme mi pan. I like natural food, I am vegan, I like to much waking, I like the pets, to make my bread.


Hullavington, Wiltshire, United Kingdom
looking for: men and women
To:meet people, dating, flirt for free, make friends for free, encounters, chat for free

otras personas me describan como un poco excentrico y es verdad que prefiero pensar en cosasen una nueva manera si es possible. Canto en un coro cada semana, canciones del mundo, lo mas inusitado lo major.Trabajo como jardinero a cado dia trato de descubrir algo Nuevo en el mundo de plantas. Tomo notas de estes descubrimientos y fotos. Toco musica con mis amigos usando instrumentos primitivos como dijeridoo y harpa de boca. Me susta mucho la musica primitive pero no me gusta musica ruidosa y muca amplificada. Aprendeo espanol pero cuando personas hablan rapidamente no entiendo nada..

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