..Lately, I am into walking around and bike riding. I love drawing CARTOONS of people in funny situations. I still reach languages. I am keen on trekking around the Ajusco and Chapultepec. I am in Coyoacan. I love public transportation and I do not drive. I am fond of visiting mexican lovely towns and eat out at market places. I am minimalistic and I do not need luxury. I would like to meet people for friendship in order to share good moments and visit places together. We always learn new and positive things from new people in our lives. I love the current mexican government and I enjoy all new infrastructure in Mexico and I love Merida and the Maya Train. The beach is always nice. My kids are independent now. I am free in my decisions and I am not interested in smoking nor drinking alcohol. Being easy going is the best. It is good to avoid jealous and cranky people. I do not like possessive people or racist and stuck up people. I love Mexico City and all the Southeast of Mexico. I do not like the North of Mexico. Greetings. Good vibes and positive thinking always. No líes and lots of imagination for creativeness. Hugs. Yorch.