Bonito día!. Antes que nada, bienvenida, gracias por visitar el perfil, leerlo y participar de lo compartido. Espero, ojalá, el lenguaje del texto sea empático, cordial y grato al leer.
De mí, la verdad podría colocar multitud de cosas, la idea es, tomar un café, saludar y compartir una sana conversación, (...estilos de vida, intereses comenzar con nuestros perfiles, los leo atentamente para romper el hielo), sería estupendo que puedas descubrir y darte tu opinión propia y personal sobre ese “acerca de mi”. Procuro ser respetuoso, serio, discreto, decente y educado. Respecto al perfil, confirmo todo, tal cual lo que lees, es. No tengo un ideal de persona, únicamente que tenga sus ideas claras y se respete a si misma, es todo.
Nice day!. First, welcome, thanks for visiting the profile, reading it, participating in all that i share. I hope the language of the text be empathetic, nice and pleasant to read.
Me, certainly could place many things, the idea is, take a coffee cup, say hello and share a healthy chat, (... lifestyles, interests begin with our own profiles, i read them carefully, is good to break the ice), it would be nice if you could discover and give your own and personal opinion about that "about me". I try to be respectful, serious, discreet, decent and educated. With respect to my profile, yes, i confirm all the answers and as you read, it is. I don't have an ideal person, just that they have solid ideas and respect themselves, that's all.
Siguem amics!