Hola mi nombreesverginio,tengo41años ,soltero, estoy buscandoparejaestable,soydiplomadoenbiología,aunquetrabajoenotrosector ,
Megustaria encontraruna mujer de edadde25a 45 años,humilde, sincera,quesepadialogar, comunicativa ,asertiva,quequieraconocer a un chicoespañol,habloespañoleingles,No soyperfecto,cometoerrores, que la chica se conciliadora ,responsabley de valoresmorales , para formar pareja estable, sitesientesidentificadaporfavorescríbeme, unsaludo .
Hello my name is Verginius, I am 41 years old, unmarried, I am looking for a partner, I am graduate in biology, although I work in another sector, I would like to find a female from 25 to 45 years old, humble, sincere, who knows how to talk, assertive, communicative, who wants to know a Spanish guy, I speak Spanish and English, I'm not perfect, I make mistakes, that the girl be conciliatory responsible and moral values, to form stable, if you feel identified please contact me,