I am a 64-year old single fella looking for mature women who still love life, and really want to enjoy themselves.I prefer drug-crazed nymphomaniacs who like to watch many hours of porn while listening to really intense music, or get into hot, sweaty sex at the hottest time of day in the the woods, the jungle. I am not looking to fill my days with political discussions or any sort of smug righteousness.Are youa musician, poet, artist, architect, actress, engineer, educator?Great! See ya!I am looking for somebody with SPIRIT, some enthusiasm, goddammit. I am divorced five years, not afraid of relationships, however they evolve, but after a life of work, travel, and performance art, I will not spend any more of my time on earth listening to any more BULLSHIT.If you are looking for a dude to change, or help, or salvage, or instruct, I ain't him. So don't bug me unless you are ready to throw down on something halfway hip.
Let's be friends!