My next soul mate will be very fortunate because I will treat Her like
a princess and my Queen.. I always thought about what I'm going to do
with Her and what to get her for her birthdays,Christmas, and where
we're going to spend our time during holiday season, Basically, I will
do whatever he enjoy doing, meaning we would have our own time and
space on occasions.I think there is so much to learn from one another,
so again, conversation is extremely important as well as spending
quality time together because everything you do captures a memory of
every moment.Relationships are not supposed to be disposable. I
believe that the bumbs in the road and the turbulence are stepping
stones. designed to messure your strength, desire, courage,
compassion, and will to find solutions that bind you tighter,
reinforce that nothing is to big to handle as a team.,there are no
perfect marriages, there are however perfect partners