OK !, My name is Jesus.
I am (66) years old.
I have been divorced from her since 2005.
Well, just to make it a shirt story.
I have not been in relationship for a few years. I was left (3) small children sometime ago by an irresponsible step-son that mistreated a girlfriend that parted long ago.
These kids were taken from me bystep-son lying mother.
I can go to court and get them back. (She lied to court). But, I need to have decent place for them to achieve that.
I am working on getting a house.
I raised them since being babies.
I need a wife.
I have been single for few years.
Mimi is (10), Luis is (9),
Esperanza is (8).
I don't lie.., So, there it is.
Now you know it.
The truth it is what it is, and so that result it be whatever will be.
I am ready for the rest.
So,...Hit me with your best shot.
Do it !