Soy una persona que planifica me gusta dejar cosas al hasar , se debe tener un plan B para todo..creo que las relacioneshumanas son lo mas impportante. se deben cultivar y mostar los valores y principioscomo solidaridad, responsabilidad ante los compromisos adquiridos, no mentir, no abusar. te conduciran al exito prsonal a ti y tu familia..los beneficios economicos llegan por añadidua.Me encanta la gente PRACTICA que viva paran para ellas mismas no para los demas.
I am a person who plans everything...I don't like to leave things to chance, you must have a plan B for everything...I believe that human relations are the most important thing. Values and principles such as solidarity, responsibility for the commitments made, not lying, not abusing must be cultivated and shown. They will lead you and your family to personal success. The economic benefits come in addition. I love PRACTICAL people who live for themselves, not for others.