l will looking for a lady andrelationships and for along time. I don't knowher name yet and
which her hair andhercolour eyesand she works and live.
visitfamily and friendsand looking forward to seeingto HalloweenBonfire NightChristmas and New YearI enjoy footballvisitmuseumsart galleriesshoppingcentres and lots ofactivitiesto meetnew peopleandlots ofdifferent thingsto do. soon i meeta lovely lady. I hope to looking forward tomeeting a ladyI like Chinese food and drinks at Chineserestaurant and bar and a few weeks ago.
I enjoymy holidaysand celebrate my birthday andchristmasand celebrate the new yearand easter. I enjoythe royal family and friends and looking forward to seeing to theroyal baby. I don't know her /hisnameson yet.
HRH The Prince of Wales 's 70birthday on 14November thisyearhe is veryold man.
I likeshopping for my weekdays andweekends.
I love you ?In Wales 1970 and 1980 fordeafblindpeoplewere trip to BarmouthRhyland LlandudnoBala for day trips in Wales
1985 Scottand mewent toSwitzerland1987 Steveand mewent to Germanyand 1988 Andy and me went toSpainall holidaysare verybrilliant.
Alison;LorraineSusán and me went toGran Canariain 2000 allourholidaysare brillant
In2006 we went to Greece
2007 Wewent toLanzaroteand all very brillantholidays.
I love differentcountries and capitalsand alsolanguages and peop