Hiim Richie a tallhappy go luckyfellow ...pleasing to meet wdgud manners ....i m asocialite by nature n love to socilise wd people..
I m gallant n a thorough gentleman ...aladiesman to know ....
I like to goonadventures n outdoor sports...i m fulloflife nhave a hilarious attitude...
I love pets naman Animal lover...
Iparty attimes...i only drink on occasions...
I m friendly by nature...i m neverina badmood...i m sdjusting to any situationor circumstances...
I dnt likeback biting n skittling...
ilove nature esp d hills nd sea...
I m anon veg guy....n love alltypes offood ..esp Chinese n Indian ..lebanesen thai attimes...Parsee bakery stuffaremy fav.
C usoon folks.....lets meet up ladies nc wer we take it