Who am I? ... 'who' is only the form of the 'what' function and what am I? A man without a mask.
I tend to be very transparent and I like sincerity.
I'm excited to meet people. Sometimes I wonder what the reason for this is; Maybe it's because we're social beings, and we need to relate.
I enjoy reading, and sharing what I have learned.
Having knowledge as a value is something I appreciate.
Cultural diversity seems to me enriching.
I value friendship a lot, which I know by this means is difficult to specify, but it is a potential to find future friends with whom to relate at some point in person. From my country and the whole world. Whether they are contemporaries or much older than me, I do not close myself to the difference in ages, I believe that in this way we can grow as people and learn from each other.
This verbiage becomes more verbose so let me add that it would be a pleasure to meet you.