Hola soy cubana recién llegada a México, busco relación con un
hombre que esté en Estados Unidos, si quieres conocerme y dedicarte a mí, haré lo mismo contigo, sicreo que buscas conmigo algo más que una relación futura por favor no me busques, espero encontrar ese hombre al que dedicarle mis días y mi vida, besos y un buen día a todo el que lea mi perfil, saludos.d'olga
Hello, I am Cuban who has just arrived in Mexico, I am looking for a relationship with a man who is in the United States, if you want to meet me and dedicate yourself to me, I will do the same with you, if you think you are looking for something else with me other than a future relationship Please don't look for me, I hope to find that man to dedicate my days and my life to, kisses and a good day to everyone who reads my profile, greetings from Olga