Hello my name is Corey I am 20 years old deaf with a hearing aid and cochlear implant. Even though I am deaf I can still hear and talk very clearly as long as I wear my devices. I am an author with a published book, currently working on my second. I am from the United States of America. I absolutely love the country Russia! It is a truly beautiful country. I am trying to learn and embrace it's culture the best as I can. The people are amazingly kind and were brought up much more better than Americans. I have been bullied and picked on most of my life, I never really have felt accepted, but whenever I talk to someone who is Russian whether in the United States or from Russia I have always felt more accepted. I love Russia with all my heart. I often wish I was born and raised in Russia. I proudly have a Russian flag hung up behind the wall of my bed. It's just a beautiful country Russia! I'm looking hard to find friends from there. I've never met a more accepting culture than Russians.