If an attractive woman were to walk by you, you would automatically feel attracted. That doesn’t necessarily mean anything would happen next, but the fact remains that her physical appearance turns you on. The same is true for women, except it’s not about physical appearance for them. Just as we, men, are looking for visual cues to garner our attention, women are also searching for cues that get their attention. Those cues just happen to be traits that are not necessarily physical. And remember this, “attraction is not a choice.” If you display certain traits that are attractive to women, they have no choice but to feel an attraction towards you. And those top traits are exactly what’s listed above! So let’s get more in-depth about each quality and go into more detail what an attractive high value man is. Also make sure you read my past article on the differences between men and women when it comes to attraction. That background information will help you understand the material better.